Power of attorney

May 28, 2010

You can find a valid form for granting power of attorney in New York State in the New York State General Obligations Laws, title 15 section 5-1513. (Or just go to the Consolidated Laws of New York State page and click General Obligations, and then title 15 or whichever one says”Power of Attorney”.) You also […]


More shopping

May 28, 2010
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Impulse bought today: a Cowon D2+ (personal music player: a little pricey as far as these things go, but rated for 52 hours of music playback, and supports OGG and FLAC) and a Aluratek Libre (e-ink reader: fairly inexpensive as far as these things go, and relatively small/lightweight, and I’m a sucker for anything named […]


Packing Guide

May 26, 2010

So there you go.  Hope all that helps. Really, there’s no need to stress as you can either find things you forget here or have them shipped from home.  Good luck with everything, and see you all when you get here. This is from the packing guide I got by email (as part of a […]


Possible issues for Volunteers of Color

May 26, 2010

Asian-American Volunteers are often considered Chinese even when they have a different ethnic origin. They may also be assumed to be martial arts experts and asked to demonstrate their expertise. This is in the “welcome book”, which serves as an introduction to the country I will be serving in. I found the above pretty funny […]


Starting things on the right foot

May 26, 2010

The subject is relatively new in Cameroon. Most schools do not yet have computers, so teaching this subject will take lots of creativity. About a month ago I got my assignment. The above is a quote. I leave in less than a week. Of course, the story begins over a year ago when I started […]