Revision (Saturday, 2010 September 25)

September 25, 2010

Another week is over. Fridays are my best and my worst days, because there are seven hours of class, but they’re my oldest and thus most advanced classes. Read: most likely to remember what they did last week, most likely to think critically, most likely to listen to what I said the first time, etc. […]


Quitter (Tuesday, 2010 July 27)

July 28, 2010

(N.B.: Quitter ("kee-tay") is one of the many French verbs for "get out".) Camtel is in the process of selling me another key. It cost 45,000 CFA ($90 USD), plus another 1,000 for a blank SIM card. I will be picking it up today. This is most of them money I have "saved" to date. […]