Souq or shuk (part 1??) (Saturday, 2018 August 25)

September 10, 2018

This is a long-overdue travel report from our time in the Middle East, which happened in July and I have put off writing about until just now. Some backstory is required first. You should know by now that our girl and queen of the photobombs Yaya met an Israeli boy after her service. When you […]


Prix (Thursday, 2012 July 26)

July 26, 2012

So, maybe it was stupid, but I said what I really thought about Marie-Cha on that stupid video that the kids took of me with my camera. (7 minutes. 474 MB. Thanks.) I was diplomatic, maybe we can say that’s something I learned in Cameroon, and I think I just said that while I considered […]


Echouer (Monday, 2010 August 2)

August 4, 2010
Tags: ,

Got my new language test result back. It’s Intermediate Mid, whereas I need to be Intermediate High to go to post. It’s not fair to say I "bombed" it, but I sure did "fail" it. People here say echouer, "to fail, to fall through". Earlier today I was so furious I lost my temper at […]


Packing Guide

May 26, 2010

So there you go.  Hope all that helps. Really, there’s no need to stress as you can either find things you forget here or have them shipped from home.  Good luck with everything, and see you all when you get here. This is from the packing guide I got by email (as part of a […]