Retrait (Wednesday, 2011 December 14)
Well, I’m still on the plane, may as well write up some more pictures.
Decorating your moto is a time-honored tradition in Cameroon. This one is labeled "the black pope".
We did a surprise baby shower for Guillaine, who used to work at our favorite bar.
This MTN ad campaign (half a year old now?) is still a little inspiring to me. Be unstoppable.
"Detective Whiskey" and "Officer Vodka" are brand names that we find amusing. But nowhere near as amusing as..
Gin My Lady! Purchased by Allison for a stunning 1000 CFA.
Bunch of people came to my house to watch the Retirement Dance (Dance de Retrait).
One of the dancers!
Dancers in traditional garb. Note the designs on their, uh, skirts. That’s a traditional Bamiléké design.
One of my students, who borrowed my camera to film the event. The shirt I’m wearing is the coordinated pagne for one of the concerned families.
Queue de cheval, horse tail.
This kind of cane is traditional in this dance.
Here’s a bonus: some pictures of our Thanksgiving in Bangangté.