Physician (Saturday, 2011 August 27)

August 27, 2011

I got a couple questions about music in Cameroon, and the fact is there are a few tracks I’m kind of fond of. To buy music here you can either go to the téléchargeurs, downloaders in town who have large collections of presumably illegal music on their computers, and they’ll burn you a CD of […]


Marché (Thursday, 2011 August 26)

August 26, 2011

I’m gonna let my computer upload some more photos while I lay in bed and play DS. These are from the most recent jour du marché, last Saturday. Village marchés in the West tend to be every 8 days (traditionally, the Bamiléké follow an 8-day week). Saturdays during vacation are big days for deuils, let’s […]


BIBCOBAZ (Friday, 2011 August 26)

August 26, 2011

[Here’s another one by Timothy, about the Bibliothèque Communitaire at his post and its founding, mostly driven by his postmate Kim. It’s also in the Education Newsletter, which just went out.] BIBCOBAZ In the interest of truth, slight liberties have been taken with regards to reality. — Morning. First week of January. Sitting behind the […]


Ouest (Saturday, 2011 August 20)

August 20, 2011

I just remembered why I don’t normally upload so many photos — they take forever to upload, and then when I load my blog on a Cameroonian Internet connection, they take forever to download again. I’m gonna try to put fewer per post, maybe, or space them out with more boring words. I guess I […]


Sorcellerie (Wednesday, 2011 August 17)

August 17, 2011

I’m at another village working on some kind of reproductive health/AIDS camp for kids, and we’re up way too late. I want to go to bed but people are on the couch where I’m sleeping. It’s 12 midnight and we’re talking about creepy stuff. Apparently there’s a terribly weird French lady in Lindsay’s village. She’s […]


Blague (Tuesday, 2011 August 16)

August 17, 2011
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I was at a "family reunion" the other day. Here are some more pictures of food. This is what I ate for "breakfast", i.e. 10:30 when I first rolled up. It’s "legumes" and ignam, which they call "yam" but isn’t really like our yams. There’s also a bit of chicken here. This is your typically […]


Se raser (Wednesday, 2011 August 10)

August 14, 2011
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I decided to shave my head. Allison and Jenny decided to take the initiative and make it happen. Allison taking off my ponytail. This is just minus the ponytail, but it might also be my favorite look. I get progressively more undressed in these pictures because I didn’t want too much hair in my shirt. […]


Nourriture (Tuesday, 2011 August 9)

August 13, 2011
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Jen said I needed to write more about food, and a few people said I needed to put more pictures online. Both good points. Today’s post is titled nourriture, or "food", which comes from the word nourrir, "to feed" (like the English "nourish"). Somehow that always seems backwards to me, like food is the more […]


États-Unis (Saturday, 2011 August 6)

August 12, 2011

As I type this I’m leaving America, the country so rich that it has four seasons, each with its own name — a country where motos have three wheels and soup is considered a meal. I got to see most everyone, got to eat and drink pretty much everything on the list. (I’m about ten […]


Actualiser (Sunday, 2011 July 24)

July 28, 2011

I never actually looked up actualiser but it seems to mean something like to update. It’s how "refresh" gets translated in technical usages. I’m writing this from Jenn and Johnny’s apartment as they argue softly in Chinese in the kitchen. It’s one more stop on the magical mystery tour — eating all the foods, reconnecting […]