Business (Monday, 2010 June 21)

June 21, 2010

Saw a dog on the way home today. Haven’t had my third rabies shot so am not supposed to get friendly. He was trying to poop. Poor bastard, just looking for a place to evacuate his bowels. Me too, little guy. Me too. They mixed up the language classes today. I’m with Jenny now, and […]


Laundry Day (Sunday, 2010 June 20)

June 21, 2010

I am starting to wonder whether I have re-used titles. Maybe I have. Sundays are laundry day. Each time I do laundry, someone tells me a different way to do it. Claude, for example, uses a bar of soap in addition to the detergent. Since Claude is the only person who actually explains to me […]


Cup du Monde (Saturday, 2010 June 19)

June 21, 2010

So, Cameroon just got eliminated from the World Cup (lost to Denmark). That’s as good as any a thing to lead with. Emily said today (a propos of receiving phone calls from family): "It’s like there’s too much to say. Or not enough." I think the explanation is simply that there are so many things […]