Community Hosts (Monday, 2010 Jun 28)

June 29, 2010

Today we got to meet our community hosts, who are people who came from our community to help us visit the first time, show us around, and so forth. It’s another semi-artificial emotion rollercoaster whereby we get to anguish about it for a while, compare notes, decide whose is better, and ultimately decide to be […]


Sites (Sunday, 2010 June 27)

June 29, 2010

Title: Sites Today’s Date: Sunday, 2010 June 27 Instructor: Ethan Purpose: To inform about what has happened in the last few days. Objectives: At the end of this session, readers will be able to: repeat correctly at least one funny thing I’ve written recognize the name of my post feel bad for me It’s rainy […]


Les enfants relinquent (Wednesday, 2010 June 23)

June 29, 2010

Today we had a language test, and that meant a lot of time hanging out and doing nothing. Some of us got there early since we didn’t want to hang out with our families. I brought Pandemic but nothing came of it because people were studying. I think it’s silly to study for a language […]