Téléchargement (Sunday, 2010 July 18)
Downloading stuff to throw on the lab computers before next "club" time on Wednesday. So far I have:
- Dr. Python
- Dia
- Firefox
- Tuxpaint
- Graphcalc (Windows-based graphing calculator program)
- Celestia
- Audacity
- Blender
Surprisingly, all of these have Windows releases, even Tuxpaint. I’m grabbing Tuxmath and Tuxtype too but those are more "game-y" and so might not fly as educational software. (Similarly GCompris.)
I would ideally like to provide also some documentation, preferably in French, for the above programs. I spent about an hour or two trying to come up with a way to mirror the Blender wiki pages in French without grabbing all the other languages. Gave up when I realized I couldn’t automatically scrape the <![if IE 6]> links. So they get nothing except whatever internationalization/documentation the programs come with. Think of it as an applied version of the OLPC principles.
Today’s been a nerdy day. I also spent a little while trying to understand what I have to do to make my two laptops talk over wireless without any other equipment. Neither of the wireless cards can do "Access Point" mode, so it’s gonna be "Ad-Hoc" networking. Tested with my N900; no luck. Caught myself planning a lesson yesterday, realized I was basically planned up until Wednesday because of the lab sessions I have, and rejoiced a little. Guess I have enough time to do all the homework I want.
Also: today at the well, a little girl asked me "S’il vous plait, chargez-moi". "Charge me?" I thought she meant to add water to the bucket, but she meant to help her put it on her head. Charger can also mean "to load", after all.