Leaving the nest (Tuesday, 2010 August 17)

August 17, 2010

Getting ready to head out. Packing up everything. This reveals a certain amount of "What do I do with this?" — for example, house keys for back home. Bittersweet.

Last Saturday wasn’t so bad. Allison’s birthday. I left before people went to the nightclub, figuring I didn’t have enough money to participate. Jenny reports that Jeneca apparently came to the bar and said "I’m marrying the bouncer, so you all get in free". That’s pretty typical in many respects for our experience here. (I don’t think she’s actually going to marry the bouncer.)

Dance party at Ryan’s today, which I crashed. Every time we get together and I listen to American music with Americans and try to do American dances, I just remember the times back home, the Pulsewaves, the Blip Festival, Gus, etc. Also bittersweet.

It’s our "last night in Bafia", but next night we’re celebrating at a hotel until all hours, and then crashing there before finally departing Thursday. So tonight at the bar was the "last night at the bar". Also bittersweet. I didn’t think it would happen, but I’m going to miss (some of these fucking) stagiaires.

Power finally came back on today (it’s been off since Sunday). All my equipment is charged, I think.

Packing is a lot easier this time, as compared with being at home, trying to decide what to buy, what to bring, etc. Everything in your room is either coming with you or being thrown away. The real mystery is how we could have accumulated so much crap that we can no longer fit everything into the suitcases we brought, or even in the additional trunk many of us are bringing. It’s not really a mystery: helmets, textbooks, baking soda. Hope I can keep track of all this shit until I get to my house. I hope my "counterpart" at post has the keys. I hope I can get into my house. Sigh.

My host brothers seem pretty torn up about my packing up and getting ready to move out. Can’t say I’m completely clear-of-heart either.

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