July 10, 2010
Finally, Camtel came through. All right. Here’s another couple pictures. Jared and Jenny with the Organization director for Cameroon. My booboo looks much like Jared’s. Me trying to help cook. My host family thought this was noteworthy enough to borrow my camera to take a picture with. Me and Claude. My new Africtures (long-sleeved model). […]
July 10, 2010
Today we received our bicycles and that means class got out "earlier". My host family said something about going to a funeral, which could be interesting but would interfere with other social activities that are happening today, so I’m hanging out here where there is reasonable Internet and thought I’d upload some photos. Figure 1 […]
July 10, 2010
Observation continues. I don’t know why, but it’s the most exhausting part of training so far. Perhaps that is why each day I want to go to the bar and drink. Then again, maybe it is merely my latent alcoholism coming to the fore. Yesterday I watched the above-named lesson ("Chapter 1 continued"). I have […]
July 8, 2010
First off, happy birthday to Chiz (whose birthday it was yesterday). Also, happy birthday to Esther, whose birthday it is today. Sorry I forgot to say something. Secondly, the model school started today. Actually started, although opening ceremonies were yesterday, because today I observed my first classes. Thoughts: J-P, who is the trainer for ICT […]
July 7, 2010
This is the report I’m going to send to the director of the education program. Preface I had a successful trip to my post and saw a lot of things that I thought you would like to know about, so I decided to draw up my findings in a report form. Housing I did not […]
July 7, 2010
So, although I bought a USB key from Camtel, I am not having any luck getting it to work. Sigh. This morning started off OK. Highlights: the most delicious pineapple (anana) I have ever had, with hints of vanilla, orange, and coffee. Also, as we left, J-C broke out into "Hello Goodbye" [is that the […]
July 7, 2010
A few things stick out here at post. The first and most obvious is the climate. The first night I tried to sleep with just my sleep sack, which is awesome, but not warm enough at night. When I wake up, my lying-piece-of-shit watch (before it was broken) tended to say high-60s for temperature. The […]
July 6, 2010
Gus asked me in an email whether there were any cool phrases I’ve picked up. Here are a few. "laisser tomber". I was on the fence about this. There’s no French verb for "drop", as in "I dropped my cell phone." Instead you say you "let fall" something. This seems silly but in fact I […]
July 6, 2010
I met Jean-Claude at a carrefour (intersection), and the first thing he did was invite me to sit and have a soda while he got me some bread to eat, and then another bread after I told him I was milk-allergic. Then we sat in a bar and he talked in the local language with […]
July 6, 2010
So then the next morning, a few hours after taking my second dose of Cipro, and still feeling a little ill-at-ease intestinally, I decided to set off for my post. One of the Organization drivers took me to the gare routière ("bus station", but literally/Cameroonianly "station for things that go on roads") and helped me […]