Sorcellerie (Wednesday, 2011 August 17)

August 17, 2011

I’m at another village working on some kind of reproductive health/AIDS camp for kids, and we’re up way too late. I want to go to bed but people are on the couch where I’m sleeping. It’s 12 midnight and we’re talking about creepy stuff. Apparently there’s a terribly weird French lady in Lindsay’s village. She’s […]


Blague (Tuesday, 2011 August 16)

August 17, 2011
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I was at a "family reunion" the other day. Here are some more pictures of food. This is what I ate for "breakfast", i.e. 10:30 when I first rolled up. It’s "legumes" and ignam, which they call "yam" but isn’t really like our yams. There’s also a bit of chicken here. This is your typically […]