Marché (Thursday, 2011 August 26)

August 26, 2011

I’m gonna let my computer upload some more photos while I lay in bed and play DS. These are from the most recent jour du marché, last Saturday. Village marchés in the West tend to be every 8 days (traditionally, the Bamiléké follow an 8-day week). Saturdays during vacation are big days for deuils, let’s […]


BIBCOBAZ (Friday, 2011 August 26)

August 26, 2011

[Here’s another one by Timothy, about the Bibliothèque Communitaire at his post and its founding, mostly driven by his postmate Kim. It’s also in the Education Newsletter, which just went out.] BIBCOBAZ In the interest of truth, slight liberties have been taken with regards to reality. — Morning. First week of January. Sitting behind the […]