September 10, 2012
Here are updated versions of the books I wrote incorporating typo fixes and minor grammatical changes that were in the printed version. Uploaded: html.html (XML document text, 153.0 KiB) Uploaded: html.rst (HTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines, 118.0 KiB) Uploaded: 3e – systèmes de numération.odt (OpenDocument Text, 48.0 KiB) Uploaded: 3e – […]
August 24, 2012
En partant is something like "in leaving", used to describe the context of an action, like "In leaving Cameroon, I stopped and visited my host family in Bafia". I found some random crap I wrote after we got home from the bar. I originally intended to clean it up and post it as a full […]
August 21, 2012
America is wonderful. I can eat salad every day and root beer every night. My Internet connection is ten times (!) faster than what I had in village. Last night I had some sake. It wasn’t as good as I remembered it. (Maybe it was just a shitty sake.) But perhaps not all is roses […]
August 19, 2012
I’m writing this from a plane again, a flight from Venice to New York marking the last leg of my trip back home, a 12-day romp that has seen me in Prague, Geneva (hi Jenny Wang!), Interlaken, Venice, and even a day trip to Florence. It has been a lot of fun, a first-world travel […]
August 3, 2012
Here I am now in Yaoundé, at the case for what is probably the last time. I’ve spent the entire week juggling administrivia and Boris, who helped me down from post, and although I haven’t learned any Czech, written the last one or two installments of the fiction, found former Volunteer of my village Dinah […]
July 27, 2012
Second of the last three things I needed to do before I go was this book on 1ere. It came out to about 15-16 thousand words, something between 43 and 48 pages. This is the uncorrected version, there are a bunch of grammatical errors (stuff like que un, il sont, jusqu’ils, un virgule — which, […]
July 26, 2012
So, maybe it was stupid, but I said what I really thought about Marie-Cha on that stupid video that the kids took of me with my camera. (7 minutes. 474 MB. Thanks.) I was diplomatic, maybe we can say that’s something I learned in Cameroon, and I think I just said that while I considered […]
July 19, 2012
[Edit: the original title of this post was Sportif, which was also used on 2011 November 24, so I changed it to Habits, which means "clothes", or, in Anglophone, "dresses". Neither title really has anything to do with the text of this entry, just the pictures at the end..] Today I’m in the Baffice (pet […]
July 16, 2012
I’m cutting back my hours at the telecenter this week. I’m leaving the village in two weeks, and I have three main large projects that I have to do, ideally before then. The projects are all written, which is probably why I’m writing less and less here. Even if I had the time and energy […]
July 2, 2012
Well, if we’re talking about French, let’s talk about profiter, the verb that actually means "to take advantage of", even if it looks a lot like the English word "to profit from". I think the true Cameroonian spirit is probably somewhere in the middle. I dug up my "staging workbook", one of the numerous Organization […]